Everyone on the internet has an opinion of their own. And we seldom find ourselves getting in random arguments with friends and strangers trying to prove our point.
But as W. Edwards Deming once said:
Without data you're just another person with an opinion.
Data is something that supports your opinion. Makes it a verifiable truth. A FACT.
Twitter is platform where people of different opinions share and sometimes rant what they believe. Each of these opinions and information could be used to get to the truth.
Be it the sudden news that 500/1000 notes are being demonetized or that Trump got voted to
be president of the US or if there is really a chip within the new currency?
The use of twitter data doesn't end here. You can see what people of different demographics have to say about an ongoing event. You must have seen the twitter stats during an ongoing IPL match, which team supporters are tweeting the most. Public opinions after the results of the Elections. A little analysis on the data and you could even possibly know if an event has a positive or negative effect on people.
What if you wanted to know what is the latest fashion trend in Mumbai? #FashionTrend
Bloggers tweeting about your companies products and your Boss wants the list of the names ASAP! Wouldn't it be a little mundane to go on twitter, search who is tweeting #YourProduct copy the details to an excel sheet and send it to your Boss?
So I made this little tool that removes the hassle to code, will ask you what you want to search for, fetches the data from twitter and writes it to a csv file. Don't know csv, upload the file to google drive and then it is just another Google/Excel Sheet.
What do you need to have to run the file?
- Cmd or terminal
- Python installed. If you have a Mac or a linux system, it comes pre-installed.
- A twitter account with an App created, which is simple to do
You can find the instructions here: Twitter API for Humans
Feel free to send me feedback. The tool is still under development, let me know what I can do to improve it.